Your guide to folk events in Coventry and Warwickshire.
We’ve linked to a new calendar format which should make more local folk events accessible and easy to update. Just click on the maroon lettering below – or scroll down for individual listing of forthcoming events.
Cov & Warks Folk Events Listing
If you are planning any folk event in the CV postcode area – big concert, back-room singaround, online performance, dance display, or whatever, click here to email us, providing the following details:
- Date, start-time and end-time
- Name of venue
- Type of event
- Artists/performers appearing
- Location including postcode
- Description – including how to book tickets, web links, etc
Please note that information on this page is based on advertising and public announcements by the venues and/or events organisers.
While every effort is made to ensure that details provided here are correct, CVFolk cannot guarantee its accuracy which is why we include contact information for each event so that you can check and confirm if necessary,
1 1 Mill Street 100% Hank 2nd Sunday 3 Daft Monkeys 3 Rivers Gand 3 Rivers Gang A Different Thread A Train A Winter Union Aardvark Ceilidh Band Aaron Catlow Aaron Horlock & Nick Goode Aayushi Abbey Theatre Abi Rowberry Ablewhite & Lockerby Abz Winter Ace Ambrose Acoustic Acoustic Chemistry Acoustic Van Acoustic Vsn Adam Beattie Adam Beresford-Browne Adam Cooney Adam Phillips Adam Piggott Adam Ross Adam Summerhayes Adam Wilson Adrian Keefe Adrian Mealing Aelfgythe AFO AFO Conference Afro-Celt Sound System After The Flood Afterknights Aidan O'Hare Aiden O'Hare Ainsley Hamill AK Patterson Alan A Art Alan Stocks Alan Thomson Alban Theatre Albany Albany Theatre Albion Band Albion Christmas Band Alcester Alcester Contra Dance Alchemista Ale Rooms Alex Davies Alex Davis Alex Garden Alex Harry Alex Hart Alex Hart Trio Alex Patterson Alex Rex Alex Seel Alice Florence and the vines Alistair Anderson Alkevan All Around The Kitchen All Mouth All Saints' Church Leamington Allan Dawson Allan Richardson Allan Taylor Allen Dawson Allen Maslen Allesley Allesley Hall Almahata Alternative Friday Singaround Alys Rain Alyson Bushell Edwards Amber Liadan Amber Liadan; Phil Moffatt Amelia Webster American Wilderness Odyssey americana Amit Datani Amit Dattani Amy May Ellis Andi Wolf Andrea Mbarushimana Andrew McLatchie Andrew Rumsey Andrew Sharpe Andrew Swaine Andrew Thompson Andrew Waite Andy Cutting Andy Cuttung Andy Flynn Andy Jones Andy Mort Andy Wall Angeline Morrison Animato Ann Clucas Ann Duggan Anna Howie Anna Pancaldi Anna Renae annA rydeR Anne Beeson Anne Clucas Anne Lister Anne-Marie Sanderson Annie Dressner Ansley Christmas Concert Antelope Antelope Inn Anthony Gliddon Anthony John Clarke Antonia Kirby Anya Fay Aoife Scott April Moon Arcelia Archaedium Arches ARKangel Arngeir Hauksson Arnold Chave Art @ the Alex Art at the Alex Art in the Park Artmagic As The Heron Ashley Hutchings Ashley Hutchings1 Ashow Assembly Festival Garden Astley Castle Aston Cantlow Village Hall Athena Octavia Atherstone Atherstone Folk Club Attleborough Arms Aus Booth Austin Booth australia Australian folk Awake Mother Away With the Fairies AWTF B Road Back To The Roots Baddesley Ensor Baginton Bal Session Balsall Common Band of Rack & Ruin Band of Rack and Ruin Band On The Rum Bang on the Wall Bang on the Wall Band Banoffee Bar Catalan Barbara & Gareth Wyatt Barbara and Gareth Wyatt Barbara Wyatt Barn Dance Barney Kenny baroque Barry Meatyard Baskery Bassett Bear Pit Theatre Bearded Dragon Beautiful South Beccy Bernamont Becki Morgan Becky Mills Becky Syson Bedford Street Bedford Street Bar Bedlam Bedworth Bedworth Folk Club Beer Festival Bella Gaffney Belles of Three Spires Bellowhead Belzebub Ben & Dom Ben Ablewhite Ben Clempson Ben Drummond Ben Haimes Ben Haines Ben Jennings Ben Jennings & Veronika Rauchfussov Ben Jennings and the New Moons Ben Jennings Ensemble Ben Jennings Trio Ben Moss Ben Paley Ben Parker Ben Rowe Ben Savage Ben Taylor Ben Williams Bendrix Benji Kirkpatrick Benn Hall Benny Graham Berber Music Berend Bonsema Bernard Hoskins Bess Atwell Beth Beth (Swaps) Beth Gifford Bianco Bianco Barbershop Bianco Quartet Big Comfy Bookshop Big Sing Bill Bates Billie Marten Billy Rowan Binley Bird In The Belly Bisiker & Romanov Bity Booker Black Annis Blackbeard's Tea Party Blair Dunlop Blood on Blood Blue Note Bar Bluegrass Blues Blues Dues Band Blues. Pailton Village Hall Blythe Pepino Bo Davies Bob & Ann Clucas Bob & Anne Clucas Bob & Suze Bob and Leslie Robson Bob Brooker Bob Clucas Bob Cooper Bob Cooper & Louise Bob Dylan Bob Fox Bob Lee Bob Morgan Bob Phillips Bob Phillips Dylan Rhythm Band Bob Powell Bob Wilkinson Bodhran Boe Jigge Bohdan Piasecki Bonfire Radicals Bonnie Schwarz Boo Hewardine Boo Hewerdine Boo Howard books Bordewey Young & Gittens Bordewey Young & Gittiings Borna Kuca Boss Acoustic bouzouki Bowreed Boxing Day Brad Dear Brad Dear's Caution Horses Brass Hip Flask Breabach Brenda Hart Brian Carter Brian Mac Gloinn Brian McNeill Brian Phillips Brian Stone and the Masters of None Bridge House Theatre Brìghde Chaimbeul Broadgate Brooke Friendly Brooks Williams Brothers Gillespie BRUBL Brewery Bruce Knight Bruce Springsteen Bruce Watson Bryan Causton Bryony Williams Bubbenhall Buck n Bell Buddy Holly Bulkington Burning Salt Button Accordion Caffrey McGurk Madge Cahalen Morrison Caitlin Jones cajon Campbell Perry Campfire Club Canal Basin Candle-Lit Concert Cara Dillon Carl Aylott Carmelo Luggeri Carmen McLean Carol Lee Sampson Carol Whitworth Carols Carpet Carrie Martin Carter Dolby Cartographers Castle Inn Catherine Britt Catherine Mohan Cathy Beech Cathy Pilkington Causton & Walker Ceili Ceilidh Ceilidh Experiment Cellar Tapes Celtic Chai Café Chalk Drawings charity charity concert Charlie Blackwood Charlie Dore Charlie Parr Charlie Tophill Charlie Turner Charlie Ward Charlotte Rich Charm of Finches Chessi O'Dowd Chessie O'Dowd Chinewrde Chinewrde Morris Choir Chris & Nick Johnson Chris Barber Chris Brain Chris Cleverley Chris Cleverly Chris Elliot Chris Elliott & Caitlin Jones Chris Elliott and Caitlin Jones Chris Gibbons Chris Gibbons Blues Experience Chris Green Chris Hunt Chris Johnson & Alex Davis Chris Kafka Chris Leslie Chris Lewis Chris Marklew Chris N Jones Chris Newman Chris Parkinson Chris Pemberton Chris Quirke Chris Radley Chris Roberts Chris Thile Chris Tobin Chris Tye Chris Wood Chrissie Dux Chrissy Mostyn Christ the King Club Christina Alden Christina Alden & Alex Patterson Christmas Christmas Ceili Christmas Concert Christmas Party Christy Pepper Church End Brewery Church Lawford Churchfitters Churchover Ciderhouse Rebellion Circle Claire Newborough Clare Sands Clarendon Arms Clarke Camilleri Claude Bourbon Claverdon Church Centre Clemency Clemency Duo Clifford Chambers Clive Ryder Clock Tower Coal Vaults Cobalt Tales Cohen Braithewaite-Kilcoyne Colin Squire Colin Sullivan. Come all ye Comedy Comhaltas Comharsa Comic song Community Singing Compton Verney Conn Thornton Conor Lynam contemporary contemporary folk contemporary folk duo Contra Contrasaurus Cor Cymraeg Côr Cymraeg Coventry Cori Smith Corinne Lucy Corinne Stratton Cosmo Sheldrake Cotswold Morris country blues County Courtyard Courtyard. Abbey Theatre Coventry Coventry Cathedral Coventry City of Culture Coventry Comhaltas Coventry Irish Society Coventry Morris Coventry Morris. Church Lawford Coventry Mummers Coventry Singer-Songwriters Coventry Zesty Coventry Zesty Playford CovTrad Cowboy Junkies Cowboy Wrecks Craftsman Cafe and Bar Craftsman Cafe and Bar Warwick Craig Ogden Craig Sunderland Craven Club Criterion Theatre Cross the border Crybb Crybb Folk CSS Cut Throat Francis CVFolk Cymanfa Codi'r Tô DABB4+1 Daisy Chute Daisybell Dallahan Damien Barber Damien Clarke Dan Barrie Dan Bygrave Dan Evans Dan Gascoigne Dan Hartland Dan Pitham Dan Plews Dan Sealey Dan Sealy Dan Walsh Dan Webster Dan Whitehouse Dana & Susan Robinson Dana Immanuel dance workshop Danger! Ceilidh Band Daniel Barrie Daniel Kimbro Daniel Murphy Daniel Pitts Danni Nicholls Danny Ansell Danny Bradley Danny Pedler Daoirí Farrell Daria Kulesh Dariush Rashidi Dark Horses Dark Side f the Ledge Dark Side of the Ledge Darwins Rejects Daudi Matsiko Dave & Julia Taylor Dave Broadfield Dave Ellis Dave Ellis & Boo Howard Dave Fry Dave Gibb Dave Hemingway Dave Lewis Dave Male Dave Malkin Dave Mattacks Dave Pegg Dave Sampson Dave Taylor Dave Walker Dave Webb Dave Wilson Davey Dodds Daveyfiddler David Berkeley David Faulkner David Ford David Hoyland David Mauer David Moore David Parr Dawn Berg Dean Davey Deb Bisiker Debbie Bee Dec Blyth dementia Dempsey's Lot Den Miller Denbigh Arms Derek and Mary Droscher Des & Maggie Redwood Des Fraser Des Patalong Desperately Seeking Snow White Detta Kenzie Devik;s Prefects Devil in the Whisky Diana Jones Diane Turner Diarmuid Mac Gloinn Dick & Sue Dixon Dick Miles Dik Cadbury Dipper Malkin Dirt Road Band Djana Gabrielle Dobro Dog O'le Dom Malin Dom Martin Dom Prag Don Arthurson Donnelly & South Donnelly and South Dont Call me Ishmael Dora Stoddard Doug Armstrong Doug Macloud Dough & Brew Dough & Brew Warwick Dr Bennett Dragonhead Drapers Hall Dream Factory Driven Serious Druew Drunc Monkey Drunk Monkey Drunkmonkey DryWood Dublin Legends Dubliners Duke Keats dulcimer Duncan Lockerby duo Dust & Debris Earl Okin Earlsdon Carnegie Community Library Earlsdon Carnegie Library Earlsdon Cottage Earlsdon Library Earlsdon Methodist Church Earlsdon Morris Eastern Ravine Eathorpe Ed Blunt Edd Donovan Eddi Reader Eddie Player Edwina Hayes Eilidh Steel and Mark Neal El Pony Pisador Elaine Croft Elaine Meechan Elderly Brothers Eleanor Servanté Eliza Carthy Eliza Carthy & The Restitution Elks Jumping High Ellie Galvin Ellie Gowers Ellie Gowers Trio Ellis Gallagher Emilie Lauren Jones Emily Baines Emily Barker Emily Curtis Emily Curtis & Matt Emily Jane Brooks Emily Lawler Emily Newborough Emily Portman Emma Langford Emma McGann Emma Stevens Emmy the Great Encanto Guitar Trio Enda Kenny Enda McCabe English Jones Erin Mansfield Errant Moose Erstwhile Border Morris Escape Arts & Heritage Centre Esmé Pathare Evergreen Ewan Cameron Execution ballads Ezza Brianna Fables & Lies Facebook Fairport Convention Fake Thackray Farefeld Fargo Village Fat Chance Show Fay Hield Feast of Fiddles Fee Lock Fiddle Filkin's Drfit Filkin's Drift Fillongley Village Hall Fillongleyfest Findlay Napier Fine Lines Finger In The Jar Finnegan's Revival Fiona Bevan Fiona Castle Firedaze Fisherman's Friends Fizzy Moon Brewhouse Flatpick Guitar Flats and Sharps Flatworld Flo Parker Bombosch Flossie Malavialle Fly Yeti Fly Folk Folk and beer festival Folk at the Lion Folk Dance Folk Freshers Folk Musical Folk rock Folksong Folly at Napton Folly Brothers Food and Drink Festival Fotheringay Fox Inn Fragile Hearts Frank Allen Frank Balsom Frank James Frank Richards Frankie Archer Fraser Anderson French dance Fringe From This Ground Fugace Fureys Fusilier Gabriel Moreno and the Quivering Poets Gareth Wyatt Gareth Wyn Jones Garfield Major Garrington Jones Garry Blakeley Gary & Vera Aspey Gary Painting Gary Warren Gary Warren & co. Gatehouse Gatehouse Tavern Gaz Brookfield Gemma Richens Generation Jones Genevieve Miles Geoff Carr Geoff Higginbottom Geoff Lakeman Geoff Veasey George Brandon George Burrage George Hinchliffe Georgia Lewis Geraint Watkins Gerard Cousins Gerry Colvin Gerry Colvin Band Gerry Colvin trio Gerry O'Connor Gigspanner Gil Gilsenan Giles Lewin Gill Gilsenan Gilly Darbey Gilmore & Roberts Gina Meredith Globe Hotel Glorishears of Brummagem Glyn Finch Gnoss Godiva calls Good Habits Gordon & Rebecca Gordon Giltrap Gordon Raitt Grace Petrie Graeme Knights Graham Hall Graham Hopkins Graham Lee Graham Sutherland Graham Weston Granny's Attic Grant Baynham Green Man Green Man Rising Green Mathews Green Matthews Greengrass Greenman Rising GreenMatthews Greg Brice Greg Cave Gren Bartley Grisweld Guerrilla Jam guitar Gurt Dog Hadrian's Union Hairy Folkers Half Deaf Clatch Half Moon Hand to Mouth Theatre Handball Alley Hanksters Hannah Aldridge Hannah James Hannah James & Toby Kuhn Hannah Martin Hannah Read and Michael Starkey Hannah Rose Platt Hannah Sanders Hannah Sanders & Ben Savage Hannah Sanders and Ben Savage Hannah Tobin Hannah White Hannah Woof Hans Theessink Hansel Brothers Harborough Magna Harbottle & Jonas Harbottle & Jonas Big Band Harbury Harbury Church Harbury Folk Choir Harbury Folk Club Harbury Folk Club Choir Harbury theatre group Harbury Village Hall harmonies harmony harmony singing Harp and a Monkey Harriet Harry Thorpe Hartwin Dhoore Harvester Harvesters Hatstand Hatstand Band Hatton Arms Hatty Bakewell's Hawes & Catlow Hawkesbury Trawlermen Hawksley Workman Hazjak Headsticks Hearsall Inn Hedley Stone Heg Brignall Helen Kenworthy Helen Willoughby Cooper Henry Parker Hicks & Goulbourn Hilary James Historic Coventry Trust HMV Empire Hoarse Whisperers Hod Carrier Hodcarrier Hokum and Hooch Hollie Rogers Holly Brandon Holy Trinity Church Leamington Homeward Hie Homity Honey and the Bear Honeyfeet Hope Festival Horlock & Goode House Concert House concerts Howard Arms Howard Lincoln Hughie & Louis Humber Humour Hungry Mules Hunky Davy Hush! Huw Gibson Huw Knight Huw Williams I Mill Street Iago Banet Ian Bland Ian Bourne Ian Cutler Ian Robb Ian Sherwood Ian Todd icons Ilmington Ilmington Village Hall Immanuel's Ground Quire In The Green In The Moment Independent venue Indian Summer Indie Folk Indigo Infinity Music Group Inlay Innisfail Ceili Band Inside The 22 Intarsia Iona Lane Iota Irish Irish Set dancing Isabel Horner & Taylor-Louise Isabel Inkca Isabel Inkcap Itchy Folk Weekend Ivy Leaf Band Izzie Derry Izzie Porter Izzie Yardley Izzy Derry Izzy Hadlum Izzy Hadlum Louis Scheuer J Jaimes Jabbet's Ash Jack Badcock Jack Blackman Jack Blackman & the Beautiful Wreck Jack Blackman and the Beautiful Wreck Jack Blackman Band Jack Daw Jack Hopkinson Jack Rutter Jack Sharp Jack Shuttleworth Jack's Rake Jackie James Jackie Oakes and John Spiers Jackie Oates Jacob and Drinkwater Jacqui McShee Jade Rhiannon Jak Lynch Jake Bugg Jake Leg Jug Band Jake Morley Jake Wood jam James Delarre James Fagan James Gillespie James Grady James Knight Jamie Francis Jamie Hill & Anne Janelle Jamie Roberts Jamie Rutherford Jamie Scott Jan Davis Jan Richardson Jana Varga Jane Moss Jane Stocker Janice Burns Janice Burns & Jon Doran Jason Buck Jason Duffill Jason Titley Jayne Freeman Jazz Tour Jeff Morris Jen Martin Jen Morgan Jen Waghorn Jenn |Butterworth Jenni B Jennian King Jennie Ives Jennifer Reid Jenny Baker Jenny Biddle Jenny Wren and Her Borrowed Wings Jesca Hoop Jess & Richard Arrowsmith Jess Arrowsmith Jess Lea Jess Silk Jesse Terry Jessie Desai Jez Lowe Jill Davis Jim Black Jim Crawford Jim Ghedi Jim Moray Jim Sutton Jim Thomason Jimmy Davis Jimmy Wainwright Jo & James Jo Emery Jo Maher Jo Maher St Lawrence Church Jo May Joanna Litten & James Grady. Jody Kruskal Joe & Will Sartin Joe Bayless Joe Bayliss Joe Broughton Joe Burke Joe Clench Joe Danks Joe Heckles Joe Martin Joe Nicholson Joe O'Donnell Joe O'Donnell's Shkayla Joelle Barker Joey's Bar Johan Berry John & Elaine Meechan John & Jimmy Wainwright John and Di Cullen John Bernard & Band John Blakeley John Brunsdon John Buckley John Colenso John Colenson John Cougar John Denton John Dermot McElwee John Dipper John Douglas John Doyle John Emil John Grant John Kearney John Kirkpatrick John Martyn John McCusker John McIntosh John Meechan John Mosedale John Neal John O’Connell John Oswin John Owen John Parker John Richards John Richards Band John Smith John Spiers John Wainwright John Ward Trio John Watson Johnny Campbell Johnny Coppin Jon Betmead Jon Beynon Jon Boden Jon Boden and the Remnant Kings Jon Boden and the Remnant Strings Jon Doran Jon Doran and The Northern Assembly Jon Harrington Jon Hattington Jon Loomes Jon Palmer Acoustic Band Jon Short Jon Taylor Jon Thorne Jon Wilks Jonathan Waller Jonathan Waller & Friends Jono Wright Jools Street Josefine Meyer & Jan Peter Josh Ireson Joshua Burnell Joshua Burnell and band Joshua Prestidge Joshua Rowe Josie Field Josienne Clarke Joy Wilder JP Ruggieri Ju lie Neale & Robert Small Judah Ball Jude Rees Judy Norden Jules Street Julian Littman Julian Taylor Julie Felix Julie July Julie July Band Julie Neale Julie Neale & Robert Small Julu Irvine Jumpin' Hot Club Junk Yard Angels Just Dropped In Just Dropped In Records Justin Adams Kadence Music Karen Killeen-Jones Karolina Wegrzyn & Alex Townend Kate Griffin Kate McAlister Kate Rusby Kate Vassalos Katey Brooks Kath Tait Katherine Abbott Katherine Fear Katherine Priddy Katherine Tickell Kathryn Roberts Kathryn Williams Katie & Richfield Katie Bates Katie Grace Harris Katie Spencer Katie Ware Katrin Gilbert Katriona Gilmore Kayhan Kalhor & Erdal Erzincan KC Jones KCJones Kearney Diamuid Keiran Taylour Keiron Farrow Keith Christmas Keith Donnelly Keith Donnolly Keith Eardley Keith Fabrique Keith James Keith Nickless Kellie While Ken and Pat Rolston Kenilworth Kenilworth Castle. Boxing Day Kenilworth Sports & Social Club Kenneth J Nash Kevin Dempsey Kevin Dempsey Trio Keynotes Audio Kiera Battersby Kieron Farrow Kieron Means Kiki Dee Kilsby Open Music Kim Hobday Kim Lowings Kineton Sports & Social Centre King Bayan King of the Alps Kip Winter Kirsten Smitten Kit Hawes Kit Hawes and Aaron Catlow Kitty Macfarlane Kitty O'Neal Knight and Spiers Knightlow Morris KODO Kris Chambers Kris Drever and Chris Stout Kristen Smitten Kristy Gallacher Kristy Gallagher Krokodile Tears l Ed Blunt Lachlann Bryan Lady Maisery Lady Nade Laetitia Sadier LAGC Lamington LARC Large Plants Larkspur Last Inklings Laura Kisby Laurel McIntosh Lauren South Laurie Lee Laurten South Lawford Summer Festival Leamington Leamington Assembly Leamington Feel Good Festival Leamington Folk Club Leatherat Lebedek Lefty Wright legends Leigh Chambers Leon Hunt Leon Rosselson Leonard Cohen Leonardo MacKenzie Les Barker Les Frères Bandini Leveret Levgenia Veasey Levi Washington Lewis Jones Lewis Wood Liam Vincent & The Odd Foxes Liam Vincent and the Odd Foxes Lighthorne Lighthorne Folk Lighthorne Folk Club Lighthorne Village Hall Lina Mitsuki Linda Moylan Lisa Heywood Litten Tree Little Mountain Little Sparrow Live & Local Live and Local Live music Liz Stringer Liz Wall Lockerbie & Ablewhite LocTup Together Lol Moran Lola Brown London African Gospel Choir Long Itchington Long Lawford Looma Lorraine Gosnell Loshn Klezmer Trio Lost Notes Lost Trades Lou Skeffington Lou Skiffington Louie Scheur Louis Scheuer Louis Scheur Louisa Dowden Louisa Dowden-Hopkins Louise Spencer Loveday Loxley LTB Showrooms Luca Luca Falcomer-Davies Luca Falcomer-Dawson Luca FD Lucky Severn Lucy Ann Sale Lucy Anne Sale Lucy Dowden Lucy Farrell Lucy Grubb Lucy Hayton Lucy Huzzard Lucy Kitchem Lucy May Walker Lucy Ward Luddington Lukas Drinkwater Luke Concannon Luke Descisco Luke Jackson Luke James Williams Luna Barge Luna Keller Lunatraktors Lynn Goulberg Lynn Goulbourn Lynne Hanson Lynne Heraud & Pat Turner Lynne O’Malley M G Boulter Ma Polaine’s Great Decline Mad Dog McCrae Mad Dog Mcrea Maddie Morris Maddy Prior Maddy Prior and The Carnival Band Maggie Coleman Magic Magpies Maire ni Chathasaigh Mal Waite Malc & Gill Malc & Gill. Malc Gurnham Malc & Gill1 Malc and Gill Malc Gurham & Gill Gilsenan Malc Gurnham Malc Gurnham & Gil Gilesan Malc Gurnham & Gill Gilsenan Malcolm MacWatt Malcolm Robinson Malin Head Mama's Broke Man Made Moon Man The Lifeboats Man the Liferboats Mandolin Maria Barham Marie Celine Marion Fleetwood Mark Chadwick Mark Dowding Mark Harrison Mark Morriss Mark Steeds Market Place Marta Del Grandi Martin & Milda Martin Barter Martin Carthy Martin Courtney & Richard Gissane Martin Day Martin Hainsworth Martin Simpson Martin Stephenson duo Martin Trewinnard Martin Wood Marton Martyn Oram Martyn Trewinnard Martyn Wyndham-Read Mary Ann McAllister Mary Lomas Mary Mohan Massey Ferguson Social Club Masterclass Mat Ryder Matt Black Matt Chanarin Matt Creer Matt Hernandez Matt lakey Matt Sayers Matt's His Name Matthew Eades Maudslay Hotel Maura Barnett Mauro Durrante Max Jennings Max Wright Maz O'Connor Mean Mary Mechanicals Medieval music Meet on the Ledge Megson Melancholy Brothers Melissa Holding Melrose Quartet Merlin Walter Merry Hell Merrymaker Mesa MG Boulter Mia Kelly Mia Treehugger Mice In A Matchbox Michael Luntley Michele Stodart Michelle Holding & Bonz Michelle Holloway Mick Bisiker Mick Bisiker Band Mick Candler Mick Cox Micky Greaney Micky Oliver Midnight Skyracer Midori Jaeger Midwinter Revels Mike Absalom Mike Carter-Jones Mike Courthold Mike Cox Mike Greenhalgh Mike McGoldrick Mike Piggott Mike Reinstein Mike Seal Mike Silver Mike Wilson Mikey Kenney Mikki Bull Miners Arms Miranda Sykes Miriam Backhouse-Erasmus Mishra Monks Kirby Monks Kirby Village Hall Morganway Morris Morris Oxford Morris workshop Mos Eisley Bros Moses & The Ref MOTL Motofest Mudland String Band Mudlands String Band Muireann Bradley Murray Grainger music hall Music Parlour Music session Musician MW2 Mystery Train Na-Mara Naima Bock Nancy Kerr Nancy Kerr & James Fagan Naomi Beth Napton Village Hall Nat Brookes Nate Walker Nathan Bell Navkiran Mann Nell's Bar Nelly Nerida Cuddy Nerys John Nest Collective New Bowling Green Newbold Nick Allen Nick Dewhurst Nick Dow Nick Drake Nick Ellison Nick Evans Nick Harper Nick Hart Nick Jones Nick Mew Nick Parker & Ben Wain Nick Parker & The False Alarms Nick Welsh Nicky Ager Nicky Cure Nicky Luntley Nigel Clark Nigel Davies Nigel Wad Nigel Ward Nik Draycott Niles Boyton Nina Bailey Ninebarrow Ning- ning Li Noah Dobbie Noah Seleno Noah's Cape Noble Jacks Norman Wheatley Northgate Methodist Church Notts Alliance Nowhere Club Nunc Nunc. Lesley Wilson Nuneaton Nuneaton Folk Club Nursery Tavern Nusic session Oaf! Music Series; Oak Oak Baginton Oak House Oak House Social Club Odette Michel Odette Michell Oh Carole! Oka Vanga Old Broom String Band Old Coffee House Old Coffee Tavern Old Coffee Tavern Warwick Old Fourpenny Shop Old Grammar School Old Post Office Old Smithy Old Spot Old Town Festival Old Windmill Olga Dermott Bond; Chris Barber Olga Dermott-Bond Oliver Cross Ollie Austin Ollie Lawrence One Man Band One Trick Pony online Online event Open evening Open Mic OSCA OSCA Centre Otis Gibbs Owen Spafford & Louis Campbell Owen street Oysterband Pa8nted Sky Pailton Pailton Village Hall Painted Sky Pamela & Annette Pandora Craig Paper Circus Paris Pat Cooksey Patakas Patch Murphy Patsy Reid Paul & Glen Elliott Paul and Glen Elliott Paul Broadfield Paul Bryan Paul Buckley Paul Cowley Paul Eagleton Paul Edwards Paul Engleffield Paul Gibson Paul Handyside Paul Johnston Paul McClure Paul McCormack Paul Monks Paul Sanders Paul Simon Paul Walker & Karen Pfeiffer Paul Walker and Karen Pfeiffer Paul Watchorn Paul William Gibson Pauline Black Peeping Tom Peg Leg Jug Band Penni McLaren-Walker Performers Night PerKelt Permanent Daylight Pete and Liz Bones Pete Flood Pete Grassby Pete Jackson Pete Josef Pete Kelly Pete Mc Parland Pete McParland Pete Shaw Pete Thomas Pete Willow Pete Winpenny Peter Knight Peter Knight's Gigspanner Peter Mason Peter McDonald Peter Reynolds Phil & Denise Underwood Phil Bassindale Phil Benson Phil Gregg Phil Hare Phil Moffett Phil Parker Phil Riley Philip "Swill" Odgers (Men They Couldn't Hang) Philip Moffett Philippe Barnes Phillip Henry Pilgrim's Way Pink Floyd Poacher's Pocket Pocket Choral Society Pod Café Poetry Polly Button Polly Button Folk Opera Polly Gone Wrong Polly Paulusma Pop Project Blackbird Pump Room Gardens PVC3 Queens Hall Quicksilver Quigley's Favourites Quigleys Rachael McShane Rachael McShane and the Cartographers Rachael Sage Rachel B Music Rachel Williams Rack & Ruin Rack and Ruin Rafael Onyett Ragged Bear Festival Ragged Bear online Ragmamarag Rainbow Folk Rainbow Inn Ralph Allin Ralph McTell Ramsey Nashef Ranagri Rapsquillion Ray Cooper Ray Goy Ray Lear Rebecca Hallworth Rebecca Mileham Red Lion Red Lion Kilsby Red Shoes Reg Meuross Reg Meuross & The Strike Relentless Renaissance music Rheingans Sisters Ric Ric Sanders Ric Sanders Trio Richard Arrowsmith Richard Babbington Richard Digance Richard Grainger Richard Heacock Richard Norris Richard Scott Richard Thompson Rick Pilkington Rik Middleton Riley Catherall Ríoghnach Connolly Risky Business Roaring Girl Rob Barrett Rob Clamp Rob Halligan Rob Halligan Band Rob Halligan. Homeward Hie Rob Harbron Rob Heron Rob Murch Rob Oakey Rob Peach Rob Tickell Robb Johnson Robert Cooper Robert James Grey Robert Miles Barnet Robert Small Robin Adams Robin and Bina Williamson Robin Kaye Robinson-Stone Roddy Woomble Rodger Webb Rodney Branigan Roll Moveent Ron Holmes Ronnie's Bar Ronnies of Warwick Roots Roots at the Rooms Rory Dorgan Rose & Crown Stratford Rose & Crown Warwick Rose Lawrence Rosetta Fire Rosie & Ben Rosie Hodgson Rosie Hood Rosie Hood Band Rosie Rutherford Rosie Upton Ross Grant Rosso Roswell Roving Crows Rowan Piggott Rowington Folk Club Rowington Mummers Royal Oak Royal Pug Royal Spa Centre RSC Ruby Colley Rude Mechanicals Rugby Rugby Library Rugby Tap Rum Doodle Rupam Barthakur Ruth Kelly Ryan Sloan Ryan Sloan & Kirsty Ryepiece Barn RYTC Saamagaanam Sacred Heart Hall Sadie & Jay Sage Sana Saije Sally Barker Sally Crompton Sally Ironmonger Sally Ironmonger & Brian Carter Sally-Ann Veasey Sam Amidon Sam Asher Sam Brookes Sam Clark Sam Fryer Sam Gillespie Sam Grassie Sam Kelly Sam Ludwick Sam Lyons Sam Schemmel & Fragile Hearts Sam Shemmell Sam Sweeney Sambassadors of Groove Sanders Sandi & Tugrul Sandi and Tugrul Sandra Godley Sandy Denny Sandy Denny Experience Sara Sara Grey Sarah Allington Clench Sarah Matthews Sarah McQuaid Sarah Riches Sarah Smout Saraj Nagar Saturday Sessions Saul Rose Sautikano Scarecrow Scott Duffin Scratchy Beard Sean Cannon Sean Lakeman Sean McFadden Sean Poole Sean Quigley Sean Taylor Seb Stone Second Sunday self penned Sensible Shoes Serena Smith & Friends session Seth Bye Seth Lakeman Shackleton Trio Shakespeare Inn Shakespeare Morris Shakespeare Mummers Shanade Shanghai Hostage Shannon Lock Shantyskeptics Sharp As Razors Shay Kavanagh Sheaf Sheena Vultaggio Sheep Dip Sessions Sheepdip session Shellac Stories Club Shep Woolley Shipcote Shipston-on-Stour Shipston-on-Stour Brailes Shkayla Shovel Dance Collective Show of Hands Showcase Si Barron Sian Lewis Sid Goldsmith Silver Darlings Silver Wye Silvington Simeon Hammond Dallas Simon Care Simon Lapworth Simon Loake Simon Mayor Simon Nicol Simon Roberts Simon Swarbrick Simply Dylan Sinful Maggie Sing it Loud Singaround Singer-songwriter Singers Night Singing workshop Sister Sarah Sisters of Murphy Skinner & Twitch Slide guitar Sly Old Dogs Smith and Brewer Snitterfield Arms Snitterfield Village Hall Sofa Session solo Somerville Arms Somerville Gentlemen Somerville Gentlemen's Band Somerville Gents Somewhere in the Middle Son of Town Hall Song session Songwriters Songwriters' Circle Songwriting Sonrisa Sons of Town Hall Sophia Miaris Sophie Matthews Sophie Mobberley Sorrel Nation Southbound Cafe-Bar Spa Strummers Spiers & Boden SpinOff Splarradash Spooky Men's Chorale Springboard Festival Squire Gillespie Squirrel Inn Srividya Venkat Band Srt in the Park St Laurence Church St Lawrence Church St Lawrence Church Ansley St. Michael's Church Bishop's Itchington St.Andrews Church St.Andrews Church Rugby St.Barbara's Church St.Bartholomew's Church St.Bartholomew's Church Hall St.Chad's St.Christopher's Church Allesley St.David's Day St.Edith's Church St.Finbarr's St.George;s Day St.John the Baptist Church St.John's Church St.Margaret's Church St.Marys Church St.Nicholas Church St.Patrick's Day St.Patrick's Night St.Peter's Church Wellesbourne Stacey McNeill & Jonathan Smith Stag & Pheasant Stained Glass Bluegrass Band Standard Triumph Pipe Band Stanley Accrington Star Botherers Starley Road State of the Union Stationary Wilburys Stay Up Late Steamchicken Strollers Steampunk Ceilidh Steelete Span Steeleye Span Stegastomp Stella Prince Stephanie Hollenberg Stephen Bennett Stephen Boyer Stephen John Birks Stephen Tate Steve & Julie Wigley Steve 2 Steve and Julie Wigley Steve Bird Steve Bonham and The Long Road Steve Boyer Steve Chapman Smith Steve Edkins Steve Ferbrache Steve Hicks Steve Hicks & Lynn Goulbourn Steve Hicks And Lynn Goulbourn Steve Jones Steve Knightley Steve Leeson Steve Pledger Steve Redshaw Steve Resshaw Steve Steinhaus Steve Tilston Steve Turner Steven John Birks Stevie Nimmo Stick in the Wheel Stockingford Community Centre Stockton Folk Club Stoke Golding Stone Bear Stoned Cherries Stoneleigh Stonesthrow Stopwatch Session Stornoway Stout Gentlemen Stratford Stratford Alehouse Stratford Folk Club Stratford Play House Stratford Playhouse Stratford-upon-Avon Street Arts Street Arts Project Stretton-on-Dunsmore Village Hall Stripped Back Stuart McCallum Stuart McKissock Stylusboy Sue Jeffries Sue Phipps Sue Stevens Suede Summer Sing Sunbirds Sunjay Suthering Sutton Stop Sword morris Sydni Centre SydniFest Tannahill Weavers Tara MacLean Tarragon Tarren Taylor-Louise Techno contra Teddy Thompson Temperance Temperance Cafe Terry & Jan Wisdom Terry Hiscock Terry Mc Hugh Terry St.Clair thats life The 4 of Us The A Train The Alicats The Anteloids The Arrowmiths The B Road The Barn The Barn at Houlton The Bear Berkswell The Bear Pit the Beautiful Wreck The Ben Jennings Ensemble The big comfy bookshop The Blackheart Orchestra The Bluetones The Boat Rats The Bombadils The Box The Boys of Ball Hill The Brandy Thieves The Breath The Brewer's Daughter The Brickmaker's Arms The Brothers Gillespie The Cartwheel Pennies The Case is Altered The Churchfitters The Courtyard The Crew The Cullens & Friends The Darkening The Dicemen The Dreadnoughts The Dublin Legends The Duck in the Pond The Dunwells The Endings The Excess The Fabulous RBs The Finn Collison Band The Folk Club The Folly at Napton The Folly Brothers The Fureys The GCB Folk choir The Greyhound The Half Moon Wolston The Hanksters The Harvesters The Hoarse Whisperers The Humber The Intruders The Jigantics The JPs The Kahunas The Katies The Keys The Lagan The Laners The Last Inklings The Levellers The Leylines The Longest Johns The Lost Notes The Lost Trades The Magpies The Mechanicals The Melancholy Brothers The Mudland String Band The Mudlands String Band The Muse the Mutineers The Oddsods The Old 'Uns The Old Flames The Old Post Office The Old Windmill The Other Country The Other Place The Outcasts The Paper Circus The Patterers The People Versus The Pleasures The Pod Café The Queens Head Meriden The Quiet Men The Rabbitts The Rainbow Inn The Receding Brothers The Red Lion Corley Moor The Redhills The Roaring Girl The Roebuck The Roebuck Inn The Rose and Crown Wolston The Ryders The Ryders + Cousin Pete The Scutters The Shackleton Trio The Silver Wye The Skeptics The Smashed Vinyls The Stationary Wilburys The Storers The Sunbathers The Swamp Stomp String Band The Swaps The Tea Pad Orchestra The Tin The Tindalls The Tippers The Town Musicians of Bremen The Tump The Undercover Hippy The Unlikely The Unthanks The Upsiders The Ver4y Grimm Brothers The Weeping Willows The Welcome Centre The Wheeltapper The Whipjacks The Whisky Rebellion The Wild Irish The Wilderness Yet The Willows The Wurzels The Young 'Uns The Young’uns theatre Themed Night Thinking Girl's Teaspoon Thirst Edition This End Up This Is The Sea Thom Kirkpatrick Thomas Oken Tearooms Thomas Pearce Thorpe & Morrison Thr B Road thrash morris Threaded Three Spoons Thrip'nny Bits Thrup'nny Bits Thup'nny Bits Tildon Krautz Tile Hill Billies Tile Hill Billy Tilly Moses Band Tilt Tilted Wig Tilted Wig Warwick Tim Cunningham Tim Dalling Tim Edey Tim Music & Arts Tin Arts Tin Music & Arts Tin Music and Arts Tin Whistle Tina Morris Tippers Tir Na Nog Tiwkilin Tobias be Jacob Tobias ben Jacob Toby Kuhn Toby Walker Tom Chapman Tom Jennings Tom Leary Tom Ling Tom Martin Tom McLaughlin Tom O'Donnell Tom Patterson Tom Prickett Tom Robinson Tom Young Tom Young & Sons of Men Tony Fowkes Toria Richings Town House Town Musicians of Bremen Track Dogs Trad Folk Experience TRADarrr traditional Traditional Irish Music Tree House Bookshop Tree House Session Tree House Sessions Trevor Babajack Steger Trials of Cato Tricaorach Tricaoraich Tricaoraoch Trig trio Trio Chuva Trish Collier Tristan Seume Triumph Brewery Triumph Brewhouse True Foxes Tu-Kay & Ryan Tu-Kay and Ryan Tukay and Ryan Tump Tump folk Two Bob Bit Two Dollar Tag Two Suns TwoManTing Twycross Village Hall Tyburn Ukraine Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain Under The Influence Undoing of Polly Button Unitarian Chapel Warwick United Reform Church Kenilworth United Reformed Church University of Warwick Chamber Choir Unthanks Up Close & Acoustic Uplifting Urban Fox UrbanFox URC Velvet Engine Vera van Heerigen Vertical Expression Vic Smith Vici Lowrence-Rudkin Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer Victor Herrero Vikki Clayton Violin Vo Fletcher Walsgrave Baptist Church Warwick Warwick Arms Hotel Warwick Arts Centre Warwick Conservative Club Warwick Court Leet Warwick Folk Club Warwick Folk Festival Warwick Folk Festival Choir Warwick Folk Society Warwick Racecourse Warwick Strings Society Warwick University Students Union Warwick Village Band Warwick Words Warwickshire Acapella Singers Circle Warwickshire Singers Wassail Waterfall WatlingStreet Welford-on-Avon Welsh choir Welsh music Welsh songs Weny Grattan Wes Finch Wes Hall Wes Stanton Wes Stanton Bass West Gallery music Whale Whapweasel Whisky Rebellion whistle Whistling Dandies Whitnash Wild Mountain Bots Wild Oats Wildwood - Didgeridoo Duo Wildwood Jack Will Ball Will Finn & Rosie Calvert Will French Will Page Will Pound Will Sartin William Barry William Bishop Willoughby Willoughby Village Hall Willow & Tool Band Willow & Tool's Music Parlour Willow and Tool Band Willow Taiwo Winter Wilson Witty ditties WLDFLWRS WLDFWRS Wolly the Clown Wolston Woolford Scott Workshop World Music Wroxall Wurzel Bush Wurzel Bush folk Wurzel bush folk club Wychbury Wychwood Yasmine Shelton Ye Olde Saracen's Head Ye Vagabonds Yijia Yonder;and Yonderland York Waits Zach Johnson Zak Thomason Zoe Cure Zoe Wren zoom Zoom session
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